Training & Learning
Jul 26, 2022

The Pros and Cons of Using Video in Professional Development

What are the pros and cons of professional development videos? Many alternative training methods - including asynchronous training, experiential learning, and audiobooks - have risen in popularity over the last few years. Yet, few methods have had as much of an impact as accessible educational videos. 

Rapidly evolving digital technology makes video-supported modules more feasible as more trainers take their classes online with on-demand professional development platforms.

Learn the pros and cons of professional development videos in order to create seamless professional development that improves employee engagement, participation, and retention.


Video technology allows you to break up the monotony of on-the-job training. Here are the most important professional development video pros.

Visual Learning Optimizes Retention

One of the most important professional development video pros is that video modules improve learning and retention by breaking complex topics down into digestible visual cues. 

With video support, you can create short, easy-to-understand training materials and share them directly online. Quick video snippets enable employees to link abstract concepts and notions with practical, real-world examples. Research also shows it is possible to enhance learning with active elements, such as questions.

When training managers optimize retention by using video, it improves productivity, and therefore profitability, because workers can quickly recall the information they need to do their jobs.

Video Learning Is Engaging

Nowadays, people are bombarded with so many different types of information that they have become adept at ignoring anything that doesn't interest them. Training manuals, for example, are often dry and difficult to get through.

Another of the most important professional development video pros is that staff training videos can capture and hold attention much more effectively because they appeal to different senses at the same time, making it easier for the brain to remember information.

Engaging professional development helps to improve employee satisfaction, and therefore retention, because people feel like they are constantly developing their skills. Video-based learning can also add tangibility to the process, by incorporating human faces and/or voices, making the content easier to digest.

Explaining Complex Topics

Another one of the most important professional development video pros is that some topics are just too difficult to explain in words alone. This is where video comes in handy, as it can provide a step-by-step explanation of complex topics and processes.

For example, if you need to show how a particular machine works, it would be much easier to do so with a video than it would be to try and describe the process in writing.

Flexibility in Learning

Video-based modules promote asynchronous learning. These visual classes are highly customizable to fit any schedule and are more cost-effective since employees may revisit resources to reinforce and clarify their understanding.

Alternatively, you can stimulate learning by broadcasting live videos that interact with employees in real-time, provided that they have the required bandwidth to maintain a reliable connection.

Convenience and Accessibility

Consider preparing video content in multiple formats, making them compatible and accessible across various platforms and devices.

Videos can host subtitles which provide the benefit of enabling a wider audience to engage with your content. For those with visual impairments, they can hear the dialogue, and for those with hearing impairments, they can read the captions and also lip read. Combining these two sources together also further enhances.

Viostream provides free automatically generated captions upon uploading your video. Sign up for a free account and see how easy it is to create captions for your video.

Complement Other Forms of Professional Development

The final advantage of the professional development video pros is that, when used correctly, video-based learning can complement other professional development activities, such as conferences and seminars. For example, if you're attending a conference, you can record the sessions and make them available to your team later.

Companies can also use video-based professional development to supplement on-the-job training. This is especially useful for employees who need to learn new skills quickly or refresh their knowledge on procedures that they don't use often.

Ready to get started using video for on-the-job training? Viostream is one of the top platforms for hosting professional training videos, with advanced security protocols, easy integrations with most LMS, and best-in-class analytics to keep track of your employees' progress. Start your free trial now.


With a wide range of benefits, it is easy to overlook the potential disadvantages of using video in training. However, when considering the pros and cons of professional development videos, you should also weigh the potential drawbacks. Here are the most important professional development video cons.

Lack of Technical Proficiency

One of the most important professional development video cons is that you need a good grasp of filming and recording fundamentals to create high-quality video footage. Basic videos can be created very easily, such as by using our screen recorder, but if you don’t have the time to up-skill yourself, you’ll need a production/post-production team to create beautiful content.

Device Dependent

While it is possible to conduct traditional training techniques (such as classroom Q&As) on the spot with little preparation, video-based training requires a supporting device like a tablet, computer, or projector. As such, there's a risk of sudden lesson disruptions due to technical issues. This is one of the most significant professional development video cons for companies with limited technical support.

Cost of Creation

Another of the most important professional development video cons is that creating videos typically requires significant money, time, and effort. You must account for the costs of devices, software, and other materials involved in video production (e.g., green screen, lighting, audio recording gear) if you want to make high quality video.

Overcoming the Cons of Video in Training

Overall, video-based modules offer several advantages that make them ideal for on-the-job training. They are convenient, accessible, and cost-effective, allowing you to engage your employees in asynchronous professional development.

To avoid the potential disadvantages of using videos in training, consider the following before you start filming:

  • Make your content is engaging, and interactive when possible
  • Include closed captions or subtitles so that your content is accessible to a wider audience
  • Use analytical tools to track engagement and completion rates
  • Work with people who have experience with video production and post-production
  • Host your videos on a sharing platform to easily distribute your videos to your audience

Enhance Your Video-Based Professional Development With Viostream

Viostream is a professional video hosting platform that assists companies in delivering training quickly and easily. The platform offers world-class video standards and security features, while facilitating easy management of exclusive content from any location to keep your employees engaged.

Employees can connect on the Viostream platform from their digital devices and upload, customize, and share their content together as a team. Different teams can have their own workspaces to manage their videos, as well as the ability to tag uploads for better organization.

Whether you wish to create standalone content or supplement existing courses, quality videos will connect with viewers across various channels to achieve the most immersive and enjoyable professional development experience. 

At Viostream, we provide the tools and features needed to simplify the video process so you can focus on delivering the most effective training.

  • All video is encrypted in Viostream, and role-based access can be controlled via a central user and account management panel.
  • Track viewer activity in real time with heat maps, engagement scores, and device data for better learning outcomes.
  • Supercharge your LMS with Viostream and ensure your videos avoid the "buffering" issues that destroy training activities.
  • Add automatically-generated captions at no additional cost. Our easy-to-use caption editor ensures accurate captions every time.

To find out more about how Viostream can help you harness professional development video pros, start your free trial today.

Paul Vecchiato
Paul Vecchiato (Chief Technology Officer) has been delivering value to users through video products for 15+ years
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