Bridge LMS + Viostream
Use Bridge Learn to build a workplace learning culture with technology designed for engaging employee training.
Why use Bridge LMS and Viostream ?
Before Bridge, employee development was scattered – mandatory training was a fire drill, learners weren’t engaged, performance reviews were painful, skill gaps widened, and you were manually tracking all of it.
After Bridge, learning is organized, people are building skills, employees are connected, performance reviews are actionable and employee engagement is skyrocketing. Teams are happier and more productive. That sounds great!
Get Started
Contact your Bridge admin and be granted publishing access.
When publishing an article, simply paste the Viostream play page in the article and Bridge will embed the video
Viostream is trusted by thousands of business users

Move your videos to Viostream. Transform the way you host video content online.
Get full control over who gets to watch your videos. Centralize, manage and deliver video with a secure video hosting platform.