Jun 27, 2022

Why Do Video Analytics Matter for Marketing Teams?

Video marketing has emerged as an extremely powerful digital marketing strategy. Combining informative and engaging visuals with strong branding and messaging, videos serve to attract more potential customers and increase conversions within your target market. In fact, video marketing statistics reveal that using videos increases brand awareness by 70%, website traffic by over 50%, and sales by more than 30%. Essentially, if you aren’t already utilizing videos as a primary component of your marketing mix, your organization is likely at a large disadvantage in a highly competitive market.

Videos should be used across a multitude of channels, including social media platforms, on your website, and in email marketing campaigns. But even if you are using videos, how do you know that they are performing at an optimal level to deliver a strong ROI? The answer to that is actually the answer to another question: Why do video analytics matter for marketing teams?

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Using Video Analytics To Measure the Success of Your Video Campaign

Why do video analytics matter for marketing teams? Because without video analytics, there is no way to really tell how well your videos are performing. Each video you create is intended to achieve specific marketing goals. Using specific KPIs, marketers are able to effectively determine if the video achieved those goals and in what capacity. For example, if you used a video on a social media platform to drive traffic to your website, you could measure the percentage of viewers who followed the call to action to your intended landing page. This is just one of the reasons why video analytics matter for marketing teams.

Social media platforms such as Facebook also understand why video analytics matter for marketing teams, and so offer their own analytical tools for use. Google Analytics also provides data for several KPIs. But marketers who really want to delve deep into the data and gain valuable insight from comprehensive reports utilize a feature-rich video hosting and management platform. For example, Viostream, a powerful, business-oriented tool, features advanced analytics and detailed reporting that provides extensive details about your videos. Using Viostream, marketers can take their video marketing to the next level. Try a free trial today.

Get the Full Picture and Understand Your Video Success

Without video analytics, you don’t truly possess an understanding of how your audience is reacting to your videos. When it comes to why video analytics matter for marketing teams, video analytics don’t just tell you when someone is watching your video or clicking on a link in the video. Video analytics can be used to tell you how long a video holds your viewer’s attention, whether your call to action is effective, what devices viewers are using to watch your videos, and much more.

Why do video analytics matter for marketing teams? Essentially, the larger a picture you are able to paint, the more you’ll be able to continue creating videos that better resonate with your audience, improve search engine rankings, and increase conversions. And when you consider that over 80% of all consumer web traffic is made up of video content, making good use of video analytics becomes ever more important.

Important KPIs To Measure

Now that you know the answer to the question, “Why do video analytics matter for marketing teams?” you also need to learn which metrics are most important and why.


Getting a stat on the number of impressions alone isn’t necessarily that informative, since it doesn’t tell you that someone is watching your video. Rather, it simply tells you that someone has navigated to a page that your video appears on. But when combined with the next KPI, it has more meaning.

Number of Views

This KPI actually tells you when someone is viewing your video. However, it is important to note that each social media platform has its own standards for what counts as a view. For example, YouTube counts a view as a video being watched for at least 30 seconds. But other platforms may consider a view in response to only three seconds of viewing, which is typical if a video starts auto-playing. To gain much more valuable insight and details regarding views, it would be more beneficial to utilize the analytics of a business-oriented video management platform and not those of a social media platform, which are rather limited.

Play Rate

To get the play rate, you would simply divide the number of views by the number of impressions. This will provide you with your play rate KPI. If it is rather low, this might tell you that you need to create a more interesting thumbnail to attract viewers, or you may need to change the platform your video appears on.

View Length

This KPI will let you know for how long viewers are actually watching your video. Why does this video analytics aspect matter for marketing teams? It tells you if viewers are losing interest in your video at a certain point so that you can take steps to remedy the problem. After all, there is no point in creating a strong call to action if viewers are leaving the video before it even appears.

Engagement Rate

This KPI is related to the view length KPI, but it provides you with an overall percentage of viewer engagement. Marketers can use the information in the engagement rate KPI to determine which parts of the video are working and which aren’t. If you have a video that isn’t performing as well as you’d like, you can try running an A/B test of the video with two different endings to see which video results in stronger conversions.

Devices and Operating Systems

Some advanced analytics can also tell you on what device a viewer is watching the video and what operating system they are using. Why do video analytics matter for marketing teams regarding devices and the OS? Because this can help you create videos that better serve your audience. For example, if the majority of your audience is watching videos on their mobile devices, you would be better off creating mobile-friendly videos instead of videos to be viewed on desktop computers.


Each video you create will serve a specific purpose, so the conversion rate may mean different things for each video as well. But ultimately, this KPI will help you measure how well your call to action is performing. If your video isn’t resulting in enough conversions, you can work with the data from the above KPIs to see what might be causing the low results.

In Conclusion

So, why do video analytics matter for marketing teams? Put simply, without video analytics, you’ll be at a significant disadvantage in trying to improve engagement with your audience and increase conversions.

Viostream's business-oriented video hosting service provides you with the tools and data you need to truly increase audience engagement and enhance the potential of your video. When you can see and understand video engagement in real time, you can quickly take action to replace low-engagement content with high-engagement content. Insert video calls to action into high-engagement video. Featuring a dashboard-style interface that makes it easy to understand and interpret your data, Viostream is the ultimate video management platform for maintaining a competitive edge. Try a free trial today.

Paul Vecchiato
Paul Vecchiato (Chief Technology Officer) has been delivering value to users through video products for 15+ years
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