Mar 10, 2022

Best Ways To Use Newsletter Videos in Your Email Marketing

Email marketing has always been one of the most cost-effective means of digital marketing. Brands that have utilized newsletters as part of their email marketing campaign have likewise discovered a powerful strategy. Whereas many regular emails are often ignored, newsletter emails serve to improve customer engagement and increase conversion rates. Taking that idea one step further, savvy marketers have opted to focus on newsletter videos.

Newsletter videos serve to make your email marketing campaign more engaging and powerful than ever. Reports have shown that newsletter videos can increase click-through rates up to 300 percent. There are additional benefits to newsletter videos, such as driving more traffic to your website, improving brand recognition, and establishing trust with your target audience.

It’s no secret that video marketing has become a tremendously effective means of engaging with your audience. Brands who wish to stay competitive have included video marketing as a primary component of their video marketing strategy. But not many have combined videos with email newsletters, thus they are missing out on another great marketing opportunity.

Simply putting the word ‘video’ in the email subject can increase open rates by 19 percent and reduce unsubscribe rates by 25 percent. Here are some of the most effective strategies for using newsletter videos.

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A Landing Page Video With a Call to Action

Include a thumbnail image of your newsletter video in the newsletter email that links to a specified landing page. Use a call to action (CTA) in the newsletter to encourage readers to click through to the video. The video and the landing page can then include further calls to action. These will spur the customer along on their buyer journey.

Promote Local Events

If you regularly host local events or even a single promotional event, a newsletter video can be a highly effective means of promotion. Your videos can showcase highlights from previous events or build excitement leading up to the new event.

Tell Customer Stories

Putting customer testimonial videos in your newsletters is a great way to build trust with your audience. The testimonials should showcase how your product or service helped the customer.

Using a business-oriented video hosting platform like Viostream can help you build brand awareness and generate more leads. And with the ability to track and measure a wide range of KPIs, you'll be able to consistently fine-tune and improve your email marketing campaign. Try a free trial of Viostream today.

Provide Company Updates

Continue to engage your audience with current information on how the company is doing and what's new. Corporate videos are ideal for communicating with your target market. Be sure to include information that is relevant and valuable.

New Customer Newsletter Videos

Do you provide a trial or a service to subscribers? Instead of using simple text instructions, use a new customer welcome video instead. This is a much more effective way to communicate how to make the most of a product or service and encourage users to try other products if applicable.


You can substantially increase your revenue and retain customer loyalty by using newsletter videos to upsell to current customers. To do this, target customers that have recently made a purchase and create personalized, segmented videos to deliver directly to those customers along with a specially tailored and relevant newsletter.

Choosing Where To Publish Your Videos

A steady newsletter video campaign means you’ll begin building a large library of video assets. How you choose to store, manage and publish your videos is an important part of your newsletter video strategy.

For starters, you don’t want to simply embed your newsletter videos in an email. Doing so can cause issues with security and many major email clients mark such emails as spam. Instead, inserting a video thumbnail image with a link to the host page of the embedded video is a more viable option.

Related Reading: How to Create Compelling Video Thumbnails

You’ll also want to avoid publishing your newsletter videos on free video hosting platforms such as YouTube. While a free site might be appealing, there are more issues with security and other limitations. Having your dedicated landing pages is more professional and secure. And, when using a video management, hosting, and streaming platform like Viostream, you’ll gain additional benefits.

When you use Viostream to host your newsletter videos, viewers will never be subjected to ads. Instead, they’ll be engaged right from the start. And, you’ll be able to better understand their engagement with Viostream dashboards and reports. Additionally, the platform practically eliminates buffering time and can be easily integrated with many business intelligence and marketing tools.

Get started with Viostream and take your video marketing and email newsletter campaigns to the next level. Start your free trial today.

Brendan Sas
Brendan Sas is a digital designer and creator based in Sydney, Australia.
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