Jan 20, 2022

Create Amazing Product Videos to Increase Sales and Improve Workplace Communication

Video has become one of the primary marketing methods for introducing your brand to consumers, improving workplace communication, and showcasing your products or services. Product videos in particular provide an engaging means for your target market to learn more about a product and better understand its features and benefits. Download our free e-book The Ultimate Video Platform Buying Guide to help you checklist what you look for in a video platform.

In fact, a recent survey found that over 95 percent of consumers are aided by videos in their purchase decision-making process. Additionally, over 70 percent stated that they would be more inclined to purchase a product after watching a video. With those statistics in mind, it’s easy to see why product videos are a great opportunity for attracting the attention of potential customers and increasing your ROI.

So how do you create an amazing product video? Follow these tips and guidelines below to grab consumer attention and differentiate your product from competitors.

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Know Your Goals

Before creating your product video, you’ve got to have a clear idea of what you hope to accomplish. Product videos can be used for marketing to your target audience, of course, but they can also be used for improving workplace communication. Employees who are more familiar with a product or service can better provide strong customer support as well as offer their own insight on how to improve video marketing efforts in the future. Product videos can also be used to build brand awareness or highlight specific features.

Once you’ve determined your goals with your product video, you can move on to the next step.

Determine Your Target Audience

Creating a product video that is intended to appeal to everyone is likely to miss its mark. Instead, you should narrow down your target audience, such as internal employees or a segment of your ideal customer base. Knowing who will be watching the video helps you create a product video that better resonates with your target audience and improves the effectiveness of the video.

Craft Your Message

The product or service is going to be the star of your product video. But you’ve also got to provide a message to your target audience that they will want to listen to. This could be a message detailing how a product will benefit your customers or it could be a message directed towards your sales or marketing team, informing them of what product features they should highlight.

Create Your Content

Next, you can begin actually creating your product video. Use a script and storyboard to lay out the content of your video or work with a video production agency that can handle this for you. It might help to talk to your sales team and gather data from your customers in order to draft content that will appeal to your audience the most. It’s also wise to see what your competitors are doing and come up with ways that you can make your own video better.

Showcase the Benefits

Consumers want to know why they should purchase your product or service. Showing the features of a product is great, but showing how those features will solve specific pain points works better for influencing their purchase decision. Your content and message should encompass these important details.

Create a Call-to-Action

Call-to-actions (or CTAs) are commonplace at the end of web pages and blog articles and should also be included in product videos. What your call-to-action is will depend on what your goal of the product video is. The CTA could be a simple “Contact Us” or “Subscribe to our Mailing List,” or you can be directly inviting consumers to purchase your product.

Be Professional

In an age when anyone can create a video in mere moments with their smartphone, it can be tempting to do the same for your product video in order to reduce marketing costs. If your target audience is internal to your company, you may be able to get away with a more casually produced video. But if your video is directed to consumers, you’ll want to ensure it appears professional.

This is where a production agency can once again come in handy, along with actors or professional voiceover speakers. You can also use your own employees, provided they appear comfortable and professional on camera. Consider: if a consumer is watching a professional video by a competitor and an unprofessional video by your own brand, which one do you think they will have more confidence in when it comes to their purchase decision?

Distribute Your Video

Finally, it’s time to get your product video out there for your audience to see. So how are you going to do it? You can use free video publishing platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo, but these have their drawbacks. There is limited security on these platforms and no control over which advertising might appear before your own video plays.

Opting for a professional video management platform to manage, share and secure your video assets is a wiser option. With a video platform such as Viostream, you’ll also benefit from advanced analytics, an easy-to-use central platform, improved privacy features and the ability to drive high engagement.

How Viostream Can Help

Viostream is an enterprise-grade video management platform designed especially for brands seeking improved control over their video marketing and corporate communication efforts. This feature-rich platform offers exceptional analytics, unparalleled security and seamless integrations with CMS, LMS, CRM and BI. Start your free trial today.

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