Training & Learning
Dec 7, 2021

Benefits of Training Employees Through Video

Training employees is an integral part of ensuring employee retention, productivity, and efficiency. Even new hires with years of experience still need to learn how to properly adapt their skills and knowledge to your current office environment. A powerful training program can not only help improve your organization and but also develop an amazingly talented team.

Many companies today are turning to video for training purposes as it has proven to be especially advantageous. Consider the following and you’ll also quickly realize why video is the optimal training tool.

Training Videos Are Cost-Effective

Paying instructors to train your staff can be quite costly. Using experienced employees to train new hires can also be expensive and counter-productive since the experienced employees must devote time and resources to the training instead of focusing on their own daily tasks.

Recording a training video is much easier and saves a significant amount of time and resources. New hires can simply watch the video in a venue or at their desks. The video can also be shared over the Internet for remote workers, saving on travel costs.

For a one-time cost, you can easily create a number of training videos that you can use over and over again.

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Videos Can Be Easily Customized

Another benefit of training employees with videos is that you can tailor each one to a particular department or to your overall organization. Some simple editing tools enable you to modify or update portions of videos without complete reshoots.

You can also use several video styles, including live-action, animation, whiteboard videos, and others. You can even produce welcome videos for new hires to help them better acclimate to their new office environment.

Videos Make it Easier to Learn

Every individual is different and will grasp new concepts and information at a different pace. They can watch training videos as often as needed to feel confident with the new information. The combination of listening and watching is also often more effective than a training manual or a mentor who talks but doesn’t have any visual aids to display.

As videos are more engaging, they will better hold the attention of your employees and enable them to retain information better than through emails, documents, or lectures.

In fact, one study showed that employees forget approximately 65% of what was covered in a typical training session. However, when using videos for training employees, they will remember at least 80% of what they watch.

Videos Can Be Viewed Anywhere, Anytime

Today’s current office environment is a large mixture of in-office workers, remote workers, and hybrid team members who do both. Training a group of new hires can be difficult if they aren’t all always in the same location — unless you are using video.

Videos are available to employees no matter where they might work, and they can watch the video at any time, instead of trying to be available for a scheduled training session.

This eliminates the challenges in trying to schedule everyone at once, especially if employees are in distant locations. It also eliminates the need to create and distribute materials, since everything is on the video. And whereas a training session with an instructor is a single moment in time, videos can be watched again if an employee feels they missed something.

Via an enterprise-grade video platform, you can easily share your training videos while also keeping them secure, viewable only by those with permission. The platform will help you manage and host your video content, ensuring reliable streaming and permission-based access.

To see an example of what a top-level professional video hostcan do, give Viostream a try. Start your free trial and test drive the platform for 14 days.

Videos Improve Productivity

Scheduled training sessions interrupt the workday, causing a lull in productivity. These interruptions can be even more detrimental when the training session is compulsory. For example, a training session about cybersecurity is definitely important, but if it has little to do with the employee's day-to-day role it can be difficult for them to get back into a productive mode afterwards. By allowing employees to watch training videos when it is most feasible for them, they can remain more productive throughout the day as they retain their focus on important tasks.

The Effectiveness of Your Video Training Can Be Easily Measured

It can be difficult to measure the results of traditional training sessions since not everyone absorbs information the same way. But with videos, you’ll be better able to see the benefits of training to employees. In addition to being able to easily track views, minutes watched, and other common KPIs, you can use intermittent polls and other interactive elements in the videos to measure engagement.

Related Reading: Ready to supercharge your corporate training videos? Check our our corporate training video production guide blog post.

How Viostream Can Help

Now that you are more aware of the benefits of training employees with videos, you need to figure out how to create them, how to manage them, and how to host and stream them. There are a number of tools that can help accomplish all the above. A professional video platform is recommended for managing and streaming your video content.

Viostream offers solutions for employee engagement and much more. As a premier, feature-rich video management platform, it is fully capable of delivering solutions that are custom-tailored to your organization. Featuring robust analytical tools, live streaming, dedicated video portals, and much more, Viostream can take your video training to the next level. Contact our support team and we'll help you find the right plan for your hosting needs.

Stuart Auld
Stuart Auld (Head of Infrastructure) is a multi-disciplinary engineer with broad-ranging experience at executive level delivering operational best practice across customer engagement, technology, change management and process improvement.
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